What we do
Sustainable Innovation through non-invasive methods to understand biomolecular structures, biochemical interactions of biological and disease pathways
Discovery Solutions
Making structural biology accessible for genomics and proteomics to drug development pipelines and life sciences research
End-to-End Services
Expedition by reduced data collection and processing time with unbiased machine learning and 3D reconstruction of biological macromolecules or subcellular complexes
Unmatched Throughput
With our novel reproducible approach, we achieve unparalleled maximum throughput with cost and time efficiency
Driving Research
Enabling biochemists, healthcare research professionals and hospitals characterize biomarkers, protein complexes and viruses
Structural Solutions
Decipher functional insights through high-resolution structures with precision

“When the world is in trouble, chemistry comes to the rescue!”
– Carolyn Bertozzi, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022
Unlock the mysteries of biomolecular architecture
- Experience the dynamic molecular architectures and conformations of samples first-hand.
- Shape the future of molecular discovery with ease and ensure reproducibility.
- Don’t stop at biochemical functional assays! Visualize the structures and contribute to scientific discovery and knowledge
- Showcase your story by exploring and characterizing the structures.

Capture heterogeneity
- Structures from homogeneous and heterogeneous samples.
- Tagged or non-tagged protein complexes, protein-ligand complexes, biomolecules and viruses.
- Case studies celebrating unbiased native biomolecular architectures and subcomplexes.
Maximize throughput with minimal effort

Our comprehensive expertise and services cater to a diverse needs of biochemists, cell biologists, drug developers, life sciences researchers to vaccinologists.
Precision structure determination now accessible, affordable, reproducible and scalable
Meet our team
Team MolVerse comprises of qualified and experienced resources with 5-12+ years of experience in their respective fields. We believe that to be able to understand the client needs, the team has the right blend of knowledge and attitude. Our team members are mostly from Sci-Tech and business/small enterprise management background and experience.